Create The Business You Really Want

Accountability, One-on-One Coaching, and Consulting to get your business energised, thriving and profitable.

Running Your Own Business...

— Does this feel familiar?

"I believe even your
biggest goals are reachable
— with the right mindset, the right plan
and the right team."

Jim Pirrie

I'm Jim. I can help you go further, faster.

How well I remember that feeling of starting a business and not quite knowing how to drive it forward – especially after Corporate life when all that was looked after.

Since then I’ve worked with some of the most prestigious companies in the world. And helped local businesses get established, survive tough times and get the results they wanted.

It’s not just about marketing. It’s about sales. And service. And technology. It’s about clarity and planning — making things work and getting things done.

It’s about surrounding yourself with the right people.

Sometimes, too, it’s about shifting the beliefs that get in the way.

I believe even your biggest goals are reachable — with the right mindset, the right plan and the right team.

And there’s no time like the present, so let’s bring it all together for your business.

Three ways you can work with me...


Be welcomed in to an enthusiastic, supportive community of people just like you for ideas, accountability and even opportunities...

Coaching & Mentoring

Work with me one-on-one for planning, prioritising, clarity, decision making and even the beliefs, values and capabilities that shape your business...


Bring me into your team to make things happen, from strategy and planning to implementation, operations and troubleshooting...

My promise to You

Choosing someone to work with isn’t always easy.

To help you decide, here is what you can expect from me:


I have no interest in up-selling you to marketing services. That means I can help you cut through all the hype, confusion and complexity, get clarity, and help you make the right decisions for your business.


My whole career has been about making things happen, from design and development through sales and marketing to operations and service. I offer solid experience of getting things done, and doing them right.


As a coach and mentor with two decades of experience, I'm in your corner no matter what. To help you celebrate the highs and help you keep your head when the challenges come. And I have a great network of contacts, too.

Business Coaching Sussex

How it works:

Step 1:

We'll speak over Zoom so I can understand where you are with your business and you can get all your questions answered.

Step 2:

Together we'll tailor a clear, objective, practical plan and work to make it happen. You'll cut through all the hype and confusion and focus on creating the business you really want.

Step 3:

See your business gain momentum: more clients, who pay more, and stay longer. And you less 'busy', more purposeful.

Don't take my word for it...

"Depth of knowledge and experience..."

Working with Jim has been so rewarding in so many ways. He is open, easy to talk to and he creates a wonderful space for trust which is such an important part when working on your business. One of the fantastic things about Jim is his depth of knowledge and experience. He is a goldmine of information and I have learnt so many things that have changed my perspective and the way I run my business. I would urge anyone who is thinking about working with Jim to go for it, it is absolutely worth it!
How to Get More Clients
Kim L
East Sussex

"Right up there
with the best of them..."

I’m part of Jim’s Accountability group and find it very useful. It’s great for sharing ideas, problem solving and support.

I have been part of many high end Masterminds and Coaching programmes before now and Jim’s group is right up there with the best of them and his group is also very affordable and accessible.

I’d recommend working with Jim if you want some accountability to make sure you get the stuff done that you say you’re going to do! Thanks Jim.
How to grow my business
Danny S
West Sussex

"I decided to give it a try — so glad I did..."

After meeting Jim at an event and hearing about his weekly business accountability groups, I decided to give it a try, and am so glad I did!

In the short time I've been meeting with Jim and the other members I've actually done loads of the the tasks I knew would move my business forward but had been constantly putting off for months.

Being part of the group is like getting experienced business coaches on the cheap 😁!
Accountability Coach Near Me
Roray W
Franschise Owner

Are We a Good Fit?

Is this you…

Yes? Then I can help you! schedule your free consultation…

Or are you…

If this is you, then I’m probably
not the coach for you.

Ready to Get Started? Click Below!

Here's what you get:

To get all this and more…

Think coaching is a luxury? Did you know...

Business Coach Near Me

…most people who’ve used business coaching say it’s a sound investment and they achieved business and personal results otherwise closed to them: 

If you’re serious about creating the business you really want, you don’t have to do it alone.

An independent business coach who ‘gets’ you and your business is a vital source of unbiased, objective advice based solely on the needs of your business.

Suppliers and agencies and friends and family will happily give advice, of course, but you can never be sure you’re free from hidden agendas — more about their business than yours!

And my group programmes start from just the price of a cup of coffee a day, so it’s totally affordable to get underway!

How are we different?

With Us

  • Independent
  • Interested in you and your business
  • No hidden agenda
  • Horses for courses
  • 20 years operational blue-chip experience
  • 20 years running my own business
  • Started my business from scratch - like you
  • Been there, done it, got the scars
  • Won clients from Solo to Global PLCs
  • Only as many clients as I can serve well

With Them

  • Franchise
  • Hard Sell
  • Up-Sell and Lock-In
  • Obsessed with digital marketing
  • Who knows - check for yourself
  • Good question to ask
  • Bought a business in a box
  • Been on the course, got the template
  • Won clients like you - not like the clients you want
  • As many clients as they can get

free business quick-start guide

How to Get More Done, Get Your Business Moving and Get More Clients - a ridiculously simple 5 step plan

Being BUSY doesn’t necessarily mean being PRODUCTIVE

This ridiculously simple five-step plan reveals how to consistently choose activities that move the needle  — get more clients, who pay more and stay longer.